Our Creative Universe

Get a glimpse into our inner world and the things that inspire us. Learn more about our ideas and projects we are working on.

Revisiting My First Procreate Project May 12, 2023

Hello Creative Friends,

Let’s take a journey from baby to toddler and beyond with a creative revisit.

I’ve found that it is helpful in my creative process to spend time with and...

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I Want Them To… May 09, 2023

Hello Dear Readers,

I love working with college students. It is a pivotal moment in their lives. They come to college with bright eyes and full of dreams.

During their first year of college,...

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A New Approach to My Creative Journey May 08, 2023

 Hello Dear Readers,

Today, I want to share a personal revelation:

I am a recovering perfectionist.

This isn’t a new revelation. But actively participating in my own recovery is a...

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A Corn-Flakes Box Mystery and Old Letters May 06, 2023

Hello Time Travelers,

Diving into my creative vault, I’ve unearthed a video from 2016, Bonds of Friendship, that was first showcased at a historical marker celebration in Lawrenceburg,...

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Embracing New Beginnings and Relaunching My Creative Spark May 02, 2023

Welcome Back, Readers! 

It’s been a while since we last connected, and I’m excited to announce that I’m relaunching my blog.

I have recently emerged from a difficult season...

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Writing a Legacy for Our Children Dec 07, 2020

Hello Struggling Parents,

Parenting right now (in the middle of a pandemic) is extremely hard.

8 months in, and we have all been pushed beyond our limits.

As difficult as this time is for me, I am...

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