Our Creative Universe

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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Sep 11, 2023

Hello Working Mothers (or any Mothers),

It is a teacher workday for my daughter’s school, or as I call it, take your daughter to work day. 

When you are a professor, you need to be...

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228,132 Words That Matter Jul 11, 2023

Hello Word Lovers,

According to the Oxford Dictionary, there are roughly 228,132 words in the English language.

It only takes one to impact your confidence.

Words matter and the particular...

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I am. I am not. Jun 21, 2023

Hello Fellow Storytellers,

We are all defined by words people place on us.

You are smart. You are dumb. You are pretty. You are ugly. You are good at math. You are bad at math.

You are a great...

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We Are Going To Be Ok? Jun 05, 2023

Dear Broken Souls,

My hands are shaking as I write this.

The post I am about to write is making my heart beat fast. I’ve put off writing it for months and years, and the thought of posting it...

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The Storm of Creativity and Mental Health May 31, 2023

Hello Dear Readers,

As mental health awareness month comes to a close, I want to share a personal journey.

There is a definite interplay between mental health and creativity. It is a complex issue....

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Does ChatGPT Get Tired? A Look from Inside the AI May 24, 2023

Hello Human Readers,

Ever since I started using ChatGPT regularly, I’ve noticed a few intriguing patterns.

After a series of back-to-back tasks, the AI’s responses became shorter and...

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A Guide to Finding Peace and Perspective May 22, 2023

Hello Resilient Souls,

Life often has a way of not quite aligning with the plans we meticulously sketch out for ourselves.

When this happens, it’s natural to feel a sense of disappointment or...

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How to See Above the Trees May 20, 2023

Hello From Above and Below,

Here I am the night before another Friday class. It is homecoming week. I am sure my students will be distracted tomorrow. The campus will be full of guests, and life in...

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A Fantastic Succulent Reimagined in Three Ways May 19, 2023

Hello Brilliant Creators,

As a creative individual, I believe that art is an ever-evolving process.

We continuously learn, grow, and adapt, often reimagining and revisiting our work through...

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Igniting the Creative Spark with AI May 17, 2023

Hello Fellow Creators,

I want to write about a potential taboo topic.

One that has dominated the news cycle recently and left an onslaught of unanswered dilemmas, fears, and misconceptions.


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