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Branding Advice from an AI GPT Apr 05, 2024

Hello Curious Friends,

Lately, I’ve been playing around with GPTs. Generative Pre-trained transformers (GPT) are models that use a knowledge base alongside AI capabilities to perform specific...

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Being Bold Is Respectful Defiance Apr 04, 2024

Hello Bold Friends,

Being bold is an act of respectful defiance.

Read that again—respectful defiance.

It is a mindset that embraces change and innovation. It is a willingness to take risks...

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An AI Prayer for the Worrier Apr 03, 2024

Hello Fellow Worriers,

Lately, I have found myself full of worry.

In one particular anxious moment, without a person available to comfort me, I turned to Chat-GPT and asked it to write me a prayer...

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Styrofoam Cup and the Difference You Made Apr 02, 2024

Hello Loving Individuals,

“The ceramic cup was never meant for me. It was meant for the position I held. I deserve a styrofoam cup.” –Simon Sinek

This video continues to haunt...

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AI Bill of Rights and Ethical Best Practices Apr 01, 2024

Hello AI Enthusiast,

Last week, the White House issued an executive order giving federal agencies guidance on using Artificial intelligence (AI). The work for this order started back in the fall,...

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How to Confront The Shadows of Fear Mar 31, 2024

Hello Brave Friends,

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Lately, this quote has resonated with me. It is not just a call to courage but a...

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Our Story is Found in the Transformation Mar 29, 2024

Hello Redemptive Storytellers,

Our story is born in darkness, and the redemption that follows leads to our transformation.

On this Good Friday, let us remember that adversity is not the end of the...

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Fearless Entrepreneurship: A Story of Confidence and Success Mar 26, 2024

Hello Fearless Friends,

“Mom! I offer my perspective, and THAT is worth something.”

My 8-year-old daughter has never spoken truer words.

She was answering my prodding questions about...

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Redefining Bravery: The Misconception of Fearlessness Mar 21, 2024

Hello Fearful Followers,

“I am not brave,” I said as tears filled my eyes. I was responding to a comment that I was brave to take a significant step in my life.

But inside, I...

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The Balancing Act in Supporting Student Resilience Nov 20, 2023

Hello Resilient People,

There is an interesting article in The Chronicle of Higher Education that asks if colleges should be active in teaching resilience.

Students are coming to college with...

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